就是为了考古ken leung看的uwu he looks cute but homeless. 台词是啥玩意啊… 想要激情吐槽努力使台词变得witty的编剧和人物性格…why the f do writers think that every guy, asian or not, has to have traumatized childhood and tell jokes and hook up random girls as an escape to be attractive... 以及上海镜头是啥玩意啊… i mean if who he is bothers him so much he could have just asked his dad... 金发姑娘真的是女菩萨…
My famorite story forever and ever and ever!
要相信爱情。 you ready to see the world?i thought i was looking at it. 拒绝一个人可以有很多理由,洗头发洗衣服不喜欢你。 我说过我爱他了吗?你不必说。 感情中最难得的事就是能够被坚定的选择。 我很理解父亲的做法,他也只是不想心爱的女儿受伤。 你要我自己选择我丈夫的死亡时间?是的,任何时间。 爱是耐心和宽容,不是嫉妒和吹嘘,不是傲慢和无礼,不是自行其是,不是暴躁。 开心的傻小子太可爱了。