A very shallow metaphor of fatherless societal crisis. Growing up without a real father can never be compensated by anything including self-improvement and brotherhood. The single mother by design is harmless and useless as most real ones. The pathetic dragon is absolutely meaningless. It ruins the original core message in a breath.
第二季还是一样精彩 优秀剧作。相比第一季专注于Holden的感情生活 这一季follow Dr. Carr和Tench的私人生活更多 而Holden的难题则是在官场、职场、黑人儿童受害者母亲群体之间周旋找出真相。Tench儿子的那一段道出“要不要生孩子 万一孩子是个monster怎么办”这个绝望的问题--儿童有没有基本的对错道德观念 反社会是天生还是后天 是不是身为父母必须全身心love their children as they are (但这老婆是要上天?不让老公谈工作 不让老公办案子 孩子出点事就得当奶爸即使有几十个儿童不断死去 难不成FBI给带薪休假?)。Holden腹背受敌根源是美国社会黑白种族问题 贻害之深至今未消解 任何问题只要一放大就沦为种族问题