3.0Philip Granger,Toshi Toda,宝田明,森田友希,Shelley Sweeney,久保明,Peggy Neal,Robert Scott Field,萤雪次朗,Francisco de Borja De la Bella,小林夕岐子,Inge Murata,Yoshiro Uchida,Ippei Ôsako,Norman England
他们都会说命运 They all talk about destiny. 她带着三块石头走入火海’ a girl who walked into a fire with three 带着三条龙走出来 and walked out with three dragons. 她怎么能不相信命运 How could she not believe in destiny? 也许这就是问题所在 Perhaps that's the problem. 她的命运让她觉得 Her life has convinced her 她是被派来拯救我们的 that she was sent here to save us all. 你怎么知道不是呢